The Site and Surroundings
The site at Hospital Lane, Bedworth extends to approximately 23 hectares of allocated land on the western edge of Bedworth. Hospital Lane, linking Goodyers End Lane with Smorrall Lane, adjoins the western boundary of the site with agricultural fields beyond. The site has residential properties to the south, east and north, with Newdigate Primary School and Anderton Road Playing Fields located at the site’s northern boundary. The site consists of several agricultural fields, of which many have limited or no hedgerow and tree boundaries.
There is unrestricted access from Hospital Lane to the site. The site is situated within Flood Zone 1 and therefore at very low risk of flooding and there are no statutory historic assets located on the site or within close proximity which would be affected by any development. The site is not covered by any landscape or nature conservation designation that would suggest an increased value or sensitivity to change. There are also no statutory or non-statutory designations that would prohibit the development of the site. There are no ownership constraints with a single land owner and the site is promoted for development by Richborough Estates. There are no environmental or physical constraints which would prevent development at this site, subject to mitigation measures where appropriate.
The site is situated in a sustainable location close to local facilities and services in Bedworth, which are easily accessible by public transport, walking and cycling. Bus stops are located on Newcomen Road approximately 140m to the east of the site a 3 minute walk offering connections to Coventry, Nuneaton and Keresley on the basis of twice hourly services. Additional bus stops are located on Hospital Lane and Goodyers End Lane.
The site is located in close proximity to several local facilities and services including:
- Newdigate Primary School (80m to the north of the site);
- Anderton Road Open Space (130m to the north of the site);
- Newdigate Stores (310m to the north east of the site);
- Saint Andrew’s Church (965m to the north east of the site);
- Bedworth Heath Community Centre (805m to the north east of the site);
- Newdigate Recreation Ground (805m to the north east of the site);
- Costcutter (645m to the north east of the centre of the site);
- Golden House Chinese Takeaway (310m to the north east of the site);
- Smorrall Lane Filling Station (645m to the north east of the site);
- Newdigate Colliery and District Sports and Social Club (965m to the north east of the site).
This site has good access to a wide array of services and so development here would represent sustainable development.
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council Development Plan
It is the responsibility of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (NBBC) to plan for housing need. The development plan for NBBC comprises of the Borough Plan which was adopted in 2019. The plan includes housing allocations to ensure development need, including housing, is met. The site at Hospital Lane is allocated for a mix of residential and community uses under Policy HSG5 of the Borough Plan.
This allocated site represents an appropriate location for additional housing and the scheme is well designed and in-keeping with the local area. It would also be compliant with national policy and the Government’s main objective of significantly boosting the supply of homes. The site could be delivered in the short term to help address the housing need. There is also a focus on community building with the site having the potential to host new facilities as well as incorporating sensitive design and open spaces.