Public Consultation

The Proposals

Richborough Estates are preparing an outline planning application for up to 445 new homes at the site which is an allocation in the Local Plan.

The key elements of the proposals are as follows:

  • The development of up to 445 homes;
  • A range and mix of housing including policy compliant affordable homes;
  • Vehicular and pedestrian access from Hospital Lane;
  • The creation of a network of pedestrian and cycle routes within the green infrastructure network which provide access to local services and also to play and exercise;
  • A new District Centre split into two parcels totalling 1.4ha overall, to provide for day-to-day shopping and service needs of local people, and designed to create well-used and sustainable local facilities;
  • The provision of public open space including a central green and feature square, children’s play areas including a kick about area and a new trim trail;
  • The provision of land for allotments;
  • Sustainable Urban Drainage measures and sewer infrastructure

The proposals have been designed sensitively to fit in with the character of the area and to provide a number of opportunities for community amenities and biodiversity enhancements. The landscape led scheme will provide a high quality, attractive and distinctive housing scheme which has place-making, open space, and community cohesion at its core.